The first step in developing and executing a negotiation strategy is to determine one’s goals. Effective preparation requires a thorough, thoughtful and clearly to approach goals.
Strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organization’s major targets, policies, and actions into a cohesive whole. You will learn about strategy versus tactics, Unilateral versus bilateral approaches to strategy and the dual concerns model as a vehicle for describing negotiation strategies.
Understanding the flow of negotiations: Stages and Phases, this confirmed that negotiation like communication in problem-solving groups and proceeds through distinct phases or stages. There are seven steps to learn about ideal negotiation process: preparation, relationship building, information gathering, information using, bidding, closing the deal and implement the agreement.
Getting ready to implement the strategy: The planning process: Effective planning requires hard work on this processes: defining the issue, assembling issues and defining the bargaining mix, defining interests, defining resistance points, defining alternatives, defining one’s own objectives and opening bid, assessing constituents, analyzing the other party, planning the issue presentation and defining protocol.
In conclusion, this chapter you will learn that planning is a critically important activity and negotiators have to design road map to agreement and negotiators will know how to proceed outcome.
what's my reservation point?