Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 6: Graphics and PowerPoint with a Leadership Edge

Graphics will contribute to the success of oral and written communications. This chapter will focus on when and how to use graphics effectively, provide some basic guidelines for designing effective graphics, and deliver some guidance on designing and presenting PowerPoint slides.
Recognizing when to use graphics: Graphics should never be gratuitous; they should always be purposeful. They are not meant to replace the speaker.
Leaders focus specially on the content and design principles that should follow whenever creating data or text chart for leadership presentation: Conveying messages clearly, Selecting the most effective colors and fonts
Selecting the most effective graphic format for data charts: Pie, Bar or Column, Line, Stacked bar, Histogram, and Scatter plot.
Creating meaningful and effective text layouts: Do not put too many word on the slides, Do not have any one bullet as a category, Use hanging indents more than one line, Avoid widow words, Keep text simple but meaningful, and Make sure all bulleted items are parallel in structure.
Making the most of PowerPoint  as a design and presentation tool:  The primary focus is on effective slide design in PowerPoint with the goal of making slides look better so they communicate the content more effectively and provide the presenter leadership edge.
Finally, The leaders should make graphics and PowerPoint work not against, using to support message and PowerPoint as the tool to intended to be.

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